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Ethnographic research involves observational or interactive studies of people in their daily lives, in environments where they think about, talk about, purchase or use products and services.  The interviews are typically open-ended and free-flowing, and often are recorded on video or on audio with still photography.  This direct-observation methodology enables us to go deep into consumers' attitudes, beliefs, habits and wishes, in the context of their own day-to-day living. These rich studies often lead to meaningful insights about the target population.

MTI conducts home visits to observe individuals, families, or friendship groups.  We do the same at worksites and in shopping environments.

We will perform all or some of the following, depending on your needs:
  • Study design
  • Respondent recruiting and scheduling
  • Conducting the interviews
  • Handling the incentive payments to respondents
  • Hiring and supervising a videographer, video editor, or photographer
  • Written report or video presentation of the findings